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Michigan legislature unanimously approved supplemental appropriations totaling $125 million to provide additional state funding to address COVID-19

The legislature unanimously approved another supplemental appropriation totaling $125 million to provide additional state funding to address COVID-19. This is in addition to $25 million in a separate supplemental bill approved last week that is currently on Governor Whitmer’s desk.

The legislation contains $50 million for hospital services and medical supplies, $40 million for virus monitoring, infection control, among other things, and sets aside $35 million for additional spending to be made available via legislative transfer when necessary.

Supplemental Appropriations

Speaker Chatfield confirms protocol for committees, meetings and other interactions thru April 20, 2020 regarding the schedule for the Michigan House in the coming weeks. In sum, it is the expectation that no business other than emergency business will be conducted through April 20. Specifically, “agenda items will be reduced to those already on the floor and those with true time constraints, as well as those deemed necessary to continue the essential functions of state government and address this public health emergency.”

Coronavirus Legislative Processes

The Senate has also ratcheted back its business to an “as needed” basis with significant limitations on staff presence. Both chambers are adjourned until March 25.

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